Funhouse Lounge


Prepare to get weird!

Participate in Clownocalypse, the climactic scenes of Foul is Fair’s first feature-length film, “Clowns to the Left of Me.” To be clear, this is a film and an event about and starring clowns, so prepare to get weird!Clownocalypse will be held at the Funhouse Lounge in Portland. It is open to the public, advertised as an event being filmed for a movie, and has scheduled entertainment, including The Clowns without Pity playing live on stage, and B.J. McNaughty’s Clown Burlesque show. The bar will be open, of course, and there will be free admission for people in clown make-up or $10 at the door. This is the shoot to invite all your friends to attend (as clowns, of course).

– 5:00pm: Doors open to public
– 5:15pm: Iinterior shoots with actors/extras/public
– 8:00pm: Music performance begins

Tip the cast and crew!
